The Play Lounge

University of Kentucky
College of Design
School of Architecture

ARC 599: Spring 2013 Design Elective

Fabricating Play

The graduate design elective, Fabricating Play, explores issues of iterative modes of construction and user interaction through research, discussion, and fabrication over the course of 14 weeks. The class was charged with developing full-scale interactive objects to be deployed in the 2013 Beaux Arts Ball. The resulting installation, The Play Lounge, presents three constructs:

The Bubble Bunch, an aggregation of rubber ball clusters contained in translucent stretch fabric that can be distributed into a variety of seating configurations, The Foam Donut, a soft bench in the form of a geometric torus comprised of foam pool noodles, and The Rocker, a conjoined set of six rocking chairs lined with vinyl tubing for seating and a mirror-plated top.

This project is made possible by the Beaux Arts Ball Foundation.

Ryan Bashore, Adam Eaton, Jeffrey Guiducci, Ye Jin, Jamie Lam, Edward Madden, Joseph O’Toole, Brian Richter, Kevin Setser, Eric Stephens, Derek Taylor, Cynthia Trefilek, Caroline Wahl, Breana Woodville

With special thanks to Carrie Wahl for assistance in organizing the final representation.


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